Honest Thoughts on "Bohemian Rhapsody"

Are you aware that 'Bohemian Rhapsody' (2018) received mixed reviews from critics, despite its immense commercial success?

With a worldwide box office gross of over $900 million, the film became the highest-grossing musical biographical film of all time. However, amidst the accolades and awards it garnered, there were also lingering questions about its accuracy and portrayal of certain events.

So, what exactly did the critics have to say about 'Bohemian Rhapsody'? And what aspects of the film were praised or criticized?

Let's explore the intricacies of this highly debated movie and discover whether it truly captures the essence of Queen and Freddie Mercury's legendary journey.

Synopsis and Overview

'Bohemian Rhapsody' is a biographical drama film directed by Bryan Singer that provides an overview of the rise and partial fall of Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen, while delving into the dynamics of the band and Freddie's relationships with his family and bandmates.

The film explores Freddie's cultural identity, particularly his relationship with his conservative Indian Parsi family. It delves into the conflicts he faces as he navigates between his family's expectations and his own aspirations as a musician.

Additionally, the movie highlights the impact of Queen's iconic performance at the Live Aid concert in 1985. This performance is a pivotal moment in the film, showcasing the band's talent, energy, and ability to captivate audiences. It serves as a turning point for Freddie and the band, revitalizing their career and solidifying their status as one of the greatest rock bands of all time.

Through the exploration of Freddie's cultural identity and the significance of the Live Aid performance, 'Bohemian Rhapsody' provides a nuanced and insightful portrayal of Freddie Mercury's journey as a musician and as a person.

Musical Influence and Hits of Queen

Building upon the exploration of Freddie Mercury's journey as a musician and as a person, 'Bohemian Rhapsody' also delves into the musical influence and the timeless hits of Queen.

Queen's music has had a significant impact on popular culture, shaping the landscape of rock music and leaving an indelible mark. Their unique sound and style, which evolved over the years, contributed to their enduring success and made them one of the most iconic bands in history.

Queen's music transcended boundaries and resonated with audiences around the world. Their ability to blend genres, from rock and opera to disco and funk, showcased their versatility and creativity. Songs like 'Bohemian Rhapsody,' with its operatic sections and complex harmonies, pushed the boundaries of what was considered mainstream music. It became a cultural phenomenon, captivating listeners with its epic nature and theatricality.

As Queen continued to create music, their sound evolved, adapting to the changing musical landscape. Their hits, such as 'We Will Rock You' and 'Another One Bites the Dust,' showcased their ability to create anthemic and catchy tunes that appealed to a wide audience. Their music became synonymous with stadium rock, with their electrifying performances captivating audiences worldwide.

The impact of Queen's music goes beyond their chart-topping hits. Their influence can be seen in the work of countless artists who've been inspired by their sound and style. From their theatrical performances to their innovative songwriting techniques, Queen's music continues to resonate with new generations of fans.

Character Development and Relationships

The portrayal of character development and relationships in 'Bohemian Rhapsody' lacks depth and fails to capture the nuances of Freddie Mercury's journey. While the film attempts to explore the character dynamics within Queen, it falls short in its execution. Freddie's relationships with his bandmates are superficially depicted, reducing their complexity to mere surface-level interactions.

The absence of meaningful exploration of Freddie's sexuality is also a missed opportunity. The film idealizes his marriage to Mary Austin, overshadowing his attraction to men and the struggles he faced as a queer artist. Furthermore, his love affair with Paul Prenter is portrayed in a scandalous and exploitative manner, failing to delve into the emotional depth and impact it had on Freddie's life.

The portrayal of character development and relationships in 'Bohemian Rhapsody' lacks the necessary insight and authenticity to truly capture the essence of Freddie Mercury's journey. The film's failure to fully explore Freddie's sexuality and the impact of the AIDS crisis is a significant oversight. These elements, if portrayed with depth and sensitivity, would have provided a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of Freddie's experiences as a queer icon.

Instead, the film opts for a surface-level portrayal, neglecting the opportunity to shed light on the struggles and triumphs of Freddie's personal life.

Criticisms of the Film

The portrayal of character development and relationships in 'Bohemian Rhapsody' lacks depth and fails to capture the nuances of Freddie Mercury's journey, which is just one of the many criticisms of the film. Despite its attempt to showcase the life and career of one of music's greatest legends, the movie falls short in providing an authentic and meaningful exploration of Freddie's experiences.

One of the major criticisms of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is its lack of depth and authenticity in portraying Freddie's character. The film presents him as a collection of adjectives rather than a fully fleshed-out individual. This shallow depiction hinders the audience's ability to truly understand the complexities and struggles that Freddie faced throughout his life.

Moreover, the film fails to effectively capture Freddie's sexuality, which was a significant aspect of his identity. While it acknowledges his attraction to men, it does so in a sensationalized and scandalous manner, rather than delving into the emotional and personal implications of his journey. By glossing over this crucial aspect of Freddie's life, the film misses an opportunity to shed light on the challenges he faced as a queer artist during a time when homosexuality was still stigmatized.

In failing to provide a nuanced portrayal of Freddie Mercury's character development and relationships, 'Bohemian Rhapsody' ultimately falls short in capturing the authenticity and depth of his journey. As an audience, we're left wanting more insight and understanding into the life of this iconic musician.


For a more authentic and meaningful exploration of Queen and Freddie Mercury's artistry, it's recommended to delve into their music through platforms like YouTube and vinyl records, rather than relying solely on the film 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. While the film provides a glimpse into the life and career of one of the greatest rock bands of all time, it falls short in accurately capturing the impact of Queen's music and Freddie Mercury's identity as a queer icon.

One of the key aspects missing from 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is its impact on LGBTQ+ representation. While the film acknowledges Freddie Mercury's attraction to men, it fails to fully delve into the complexities of his sexuality and the significance of his role as a queer artist in the music industry. By exploring Queen's music through platforms like YouTube, listeners can truly appreciate the depth and authenticity of Freddie Mercury's lyrics, which often served as a vehicle for his extraordinary voice and personal experiences.

Furthermore, accuracy in biographical storytelling is another aspect where the film falls short. 'Bohemian Rhapsody' presents a somewhat idealized version of Freddie Mercury's life, focusing heavily on his relationship with Mary Austin while neglecting other important aspects of his personal journey. By delving into Queen's music through vinyl records, listeners can gain a deeper understanding of the band's dynamics and relationships, as well as the impact of Freddie Mercury's experiences on their music.


In conclusion, while 'Bohemian Rhapsody' offers an entertaining and nostalgic experience for fans of Queen, it falls short in capturing the depth and artistry of the band. The film focuses heavily on Freddie Mercury's personal life, but lacks a comprehensive exploration of Queen's musical journey.

Additionally, there are concerns about the portrayal of Freddie's character and the film's accuracy. Overall, 'Bohemian Rhapsody' serves as an enjoyable tribute to Queen, but leaves room for improvement in its storytelling and portrayal of the band's legacy.

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